YOU ARE INVITED TO BROWSE AS LONG AS YOU LIKE. In this blog we will write articles about the Social Security System and those issues, that affects people that rent, and also those that own properties for rent. We hope that our articles will help them understand the situation better. L S H.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

House building in Brisbane

Welcome to our blog, affordable rentals
and this post, house building in Brisbane
LET ME EXPLAIN; This blog has a double role; one of which is to advertise if we have anything on the marcked to rent or sell. So if you are looking for any property to rent, scrol down the page and you cmight find what you are looking for.
House building in Brisbane
What we have here is a brick veneer house being built. We are writing some building post to keep our readers interested in building and building works, in the hope that they also might be interested in some of our advertisement.

House building in Brisbane
Dear readers, in this post we are going to talk about building work, because this is what I did when I came to Australia; so, we are going to talk about House building in Brisbane in the sixties; Brick bases under timber houses, and, Working as a bricklayer labour. Now as you can see we are taking about the old way of building houses, but it does not matter if it is the old way of doing things, because building houses is just building houses and it does not matter when we have done that, as the same way can be used again and again, so there is still something that we could learn from it; anyhow, we would also like to help those people that are reading our posts, in the hope of finding or building their modern dream home, therefore they are looking also for modern houses, so we are going to place a few links within this post and the following posts, just in case they are looking for modern houses, but let us continue our main article about building house in Brisbane in the sixties. 
What we are going to talk about next might seem strange to people that live in the old continent of Europe as over there most houses are made of masonry, as the timber over there is more expansive than in Australia. Of course there might also be other good reasons why they are made of masonry, perhaps it is because of the colder climate, you see thick walls of masonry would absorb the heat during summer and act as storage of this heat by releasing it slowly during the colder months, and perhaps other reasons as well, anyhow houses over there would be built mostly from masons bricklayer and concreter, and the carpenters would only play a smaller part than they do in Australia, as the carpenters would be building some form-work and the roofs only, when the roofs were made of timber, because even the roofs sometimes are made of concrete today.
Therefore, I have to say that when we the European migrants that came to Australia in the sixties, we thought this is strange to live in timber houses, and we have to say that we had a real surprise to see that the carpenter played the role of builders, when houses were being built, because in the sixties most houses here were mainly made of timber, we are saying this here just to compare houses building, between the old continent and Australia in those times, and we are not saying that this was good or bad practice, since we soon accepted the way of life we found and we thought there must be a good reason for it.
So, we all did what we had to do in whatever employment we found, and those of us who ended up working in the building industry just did what we were told to do. But as we all know just about everything changes with time and also the building of house would slowly change, as we will see later on even this sort of building houses with timber would slowly change even here. Now that we have made this comparison, let us go back to what I was doing myself in helping to build these houses; this help will become self-explained as we keep writing what we were doing.   Therefore, let us talk about how most houses were being built by teams of workers, because that is how we were building houses in South East Queensland in the sixties.
Anyhow, we want to keep this post short, because the readers these days are all in a harry, therefore they like short articles, so we will come back to write more about this sort of work, in our next post, where we will also talk about modern house building. See you soon.

Affordable Rentals 
House building in Brisbane 
Next time with, modern house building
 Some helpful links here under

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